

The ModernUI_ProgressBar is a progress bar control like the standard win32 progress bar control, except it provides ease of use and more customizable features, like color of the progress fill, the progress unfilled area and border.

ModernUI_ProgressBar Functions

Function Description
MUIProgressBarCreate Creates a new ModernUI_ProgressBar control
MUIProgressBarGetPercent Gets the current percent value of the progressbar
MUIProgressBarGetProperty Gets the value of a property
MUIProgressBarRegister Registers a window class for the ModernUI_ProgressBar
MUIProgressBarSetMinMax Sets the minimum and maximum range of progressbar
MUIProgressBarSetPercent Sets the current percent value of the progressbar
MUIProgressBarSetProperty Sets the value for a property
MUIProgressBarStep Incrementally moves the progressbar

ModernUI_ProgressBar Messages

Message Description
MUIPBM_SETPERCENT Sets the percentage of the progressbar
MUIPBM_STEP Incrementally moves the progressbar one step

ModernUI_ProgressBar Properties

Property Type
@ProgressBarTextColor MUICOLORRGB
@ProgressBarTextFont HFONT
@ProgressBarBackColor MUICOLORRGB
@ProgressBarProgressColor MUICOLORRGB
@ProgressBarBorderColor MUICOLORRGB
@ProgressBarPercent MUIVALUE
@ProgressBarMin MUIVALUE
@ProgressBarMax MUIVALUE
@ProgressBarStep MUIVALUE
@ProgressBarPulse BOOL
@ProgressBarPulseTime MUIVALUE
@ProgressBarTextType MUIVALUE
@ProgressBarSetTextPos MUIVALUE

ModernUI_ProgressBar Property Descriptions


Color of percentage text (MUICOLORRGB) of the ModernUI_ProgressBar control.


Font (HFONT) used for the progress bar text


Background color (MUICOLORRGB) of the ModernUI_ProgressBar control.


Progress bar percent filled color (MUICOLORRGB) of the ModernUI_ProgressBar control.


Border color (MUICOLORRGB) of the ModernUI_ProgressBar control.


Current progress bar percentage value


Minimum range value - currently not implemented


Maximum range value - currently not implemented


Value to increment the progress bar when calling MUIProgressBarStep or MUIPBM_STEP. Defaults to 1 - currently not implemented


Enable pulse glow effect to show progress bar is still active. TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable. Default is TRUE


Time in milliseconds between pulse effect is shown. Defaults to 5 seconds (5000ms)


Type of percentage text to display, can be one of the following values:

  • MUIPBTT_NONE- no percentage text in progress bar (default)
  • MUIPBTT_CENTRE - percentage text in center of progress bar
  • MUIPBTT_FOLLOW - percentage text follows progress as it draws


Position of other text, can be one of the following values: 0 = preppend WM_SETTEXT text, 1 = append WM_SETTEXT text currently not implemented